Level of difficulty: medium
Preparation time: around 40 minutes + 2 hours of cooling time
Tomato mousse
Basil oil
Tomato mousse: Soak the gelatin leaves in water for 10 minutes. Wash the tomatoes, cut into pieces and marinate with salt for about 1 hour. Heat up the olive oil with the garlic and basil and add it to the tomatoes (setting aside the garlic and basil). Puree the tomatoes in a blender and then pass them through a sieve. Place the squeezed gelatin in a double boiler or in the microwave and dissolve it with a little bit of the pureed tomatoes, and then add the rest of the tomato puree. Fill glasses with the tomato mousse and let set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Basil oil: Mix the oil with the finely chopped basil.
To finish: Once the tomato mousse has set, add the mozzarella; before serving, finish by drizzling on the basil oil.